Version 4.0


   Managing Multi-User Installations

  From an installation point-of-view, MapSpeller has two parts:
  1. A spell-checker, along with its license and maintenance keys (MapSpeller_lic.txt and MapSpeller_mtn.txt), which must be installed by Windows administrators. These files are shared by all MapSpeller users.
  2. An Esri add-in file (.esriaddin) along with its user initialization file (MapSpeller_ini.txt). They must be installed by each MapSpeller end-user and don't require administrative rights to install.

In the simplest installation, the person who will be using MapSpeller has Windows administrative rights and therefore can install and register everything himself/herself. The person who registers the software is automatically registered as a user.

When additional people are licensed to use MapSpeller on a PC or emulation server (Citrix, for ex.), each of them must enable the MapSpeller add-in and register as a user with Edgetech America, Inc.

Enabling the MapSpeller Esri add-in can be done in two ways:

  1. By having end-users double-click on the MapSpeller esriaddin file. As described above, potential MapSpeller users would still need to register with Edgetech America, Inc. to obtain their personalized initialization file (MapSpeller_ini.txt) as detailed here.
  2. By declaring a shared Esri add-in folder that holds the MapSpeller add-in. This option has the advantage of simplifying future updates of the MapSpeller add-in for all users.

Option B. is discussed further below.

The esriaddin file can be placed in a folder accessible to every potential MapSpeller user. Each user can then point the ArcMap Add-In Manager to that folder as illustrated below. Alternatively, Windows administrators can use the Windows Registry to reach the same result.


The MapSpeller add-in becomes visible in the ArcMap Add-In Manager under its Add-Ins tab.

The MapSpeller toolbar would become accessible  in a manner similar to any other ArcMap toolbar.

Each time the esriaddin file in the shared folder is updated, all individual users automatically inherit the update.

Each user would still need to obtain his/her own MapSpeller_ini.txt file by registering as a user with Edgetech America, Inc. from the Licensing tab of the MapSpeller Options dialog. They will be reminded to do so when starting MapSpeller.


Important Note
  • If you access ArcGIS on one or several servers from one or several terminals, you will need to register yourself once as a MapSpeller user per server. You must also have purchased the terminal server MapSpeller license.
  • MapSpeller add-ins are digitally signed. Therefore, Edgetech recommends that you set the ArcMap Add-In Manager to only accept digitally signed add-ins as this ensures the add-in originator and that it has not been tempered. This can be enforced by Windows administrators using the Windows Registry (at the bottom of the linked page).
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Page last updated on October 07, 2017
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